I'm eagerly awaiting my shower head softener/ filter to come in the mail. I am happy to report however, despite the hard and heavy water, my hair seems to be behaving. I "washed" last night with the usual honey rinse and ACV rinse, and styled it before going out with the hubby and a friend. They both remarked that my hair looked shiny and healthy but not heavy or greasy.
This morning I've taken some photos for you to see. In the past 3 weeks, I would be greasy within hours after a shower when I "washed" my hair, but I want you to see that this is getting better. It has times of looking pretty normal, up to one day later! My hope is that at 6 weeks I'll have more and more good days where I can leave my hair down rather than slicking it back into a ponytail.
Here's some photos for you to see the progress. Forgive my sleepy face, I just woke up.
These photos are with my hair brushed smooth with a BBB. It's simply shiny and dry, not stringy or greasy. Yay, progress!
The following photos are after I muss it up a little post brushing, so you can see that yes, it is a little clumpier than perfectly dry shampooed hair, but honestly not bad. Oh poor puffy eyes- we went to the pub last night and it shows. Lol.
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